When we discuss fitness goals and results are we often talk about specific exercises or nutritional choices to achieve a desired outcome. So little is ever said about having the correct mindset or a positive mental attitude.
In my experience failing to reach goals is as much about not being mentally prepared as it is about not following your training and exercises guidelines.
In the past have you caught yourself thinking, 'I hope this program works' or 'I wonder if this training program will give me the results I want'?
Most people have, the problem with this thought process is that it takes the responsibility away from the individual and puts in onto the program.
This is a great process for failure. This way when the program doesn't work we are easily able to say it was a bad program or it doesn't work, it wasn't my fault that I failed!
Think about it for a second, fitness businesses exist because people need help in this area and they look to fitness professionals for guidance. While not all programs are perfect for every client it’s in the fitness professionals’ best interest to deliver a program that's going to work, after all this is what their business is built on.
My recommendations are to take every step to keep yourself accountable. Rather than saying I wonder if this program is going to work, why not say, I can't wait to get started and make this program a success for me!
The key here is you not the program. The key here is you! The key is always you!
Understand in your mind that unless you are sincerely prepared to succeed, you won't. Also understand that there are going to be days that you don't want to stick to your program and unless you have a positive mindset these days could be your undoing.
When you have made the decision to change and you are committed to holding yourself accountable, only then are you prepared for the results to follow.
Stay positive, work hard, trust the process and your success will follow!