what we do for you
Tweak Fitness Tully 24/7 is about providing the best possible product in all areas. Whether you are looking for a gym membership, training program, meal plan, personal trainer or group fitness session we have something to cater to your needs and budget.
While having what you need is a strong feature it’s not our most coveted. We pride ourselves on providing a facility where ALL are welcome. We have the equipment for the most experienced athletes however we have the environment that welcomes those that have no exercise background and those that are just beginning their health and wellness journey.
Becoming a member allows you to use the gym as often as you like during the duration of your membership. Combining membership with 24/7 access means you can literally come to the gym any time of the day or night.
training programs
Anyone can work out. Anyone can exercise. While the above is true not everyone works out effectively and efficiently and a Training Program provided by a Tweak Fitness Personal Trainer delivers exactly that - effective and efficient techniques enabling the client to see the best results in the shortest period of time.
nutritional coaching
You CAN NOT out train a bad diet. If you are looking to achieve a result you have never had before, be it abs or simply good health you need to look in depth at the food and drink you consume. We work with clients on refining existing habits to create long term sustainable change for the better.
Contact Tweak Fitness Tull 24/7
Staffed Hours: Monday to Friday 3:00pm-7:00pm | Ph: 4068 2000 | admin@tweakfitnesstully.com.au