Journey not Destination

We now live in a world that is driven by the outcome, result or destination. Although this learned behaviour sets a dangerous precedent it has become second nature. Examples of this can be found everywhere;

-          The job seeker who demands a pay rise before employment commencement.

You may be thinking, what’s wrong with that? If so, you have become desensitised to the very problem itself, which is a perfect example of the times.

We learn form the process not the outcome.

In the past, we have promoted a $5000 12 Week Challenge where in the winner is rewarded with $5000 cash. What a phenomenal opportunity. This is a rare opportunity to receive an external reward for vastly improving your health and well-being.

BEWARE - If you plan to enrol in a challenge such as this solely to win the cash, I urge you to reconsider. In my experience if you are seeking to solve an internal problem with an external force the outcome is almost always disappointing.

Obviously as a business this is not in our best interest, given we run competitions like this however it is in our best interest to have each participant achieve the best possible result.

What we know from many years of experience is that if you are not approaching your health and fitness with the correct mind set you will not achieve the success you desire. If you do achieve a level of success through these methods it is almost always fleeting.

What to do…

·         Quite all external chatter and reflect what it is that you truly want.

·         Are you ready to make a serious change to your health?

·         Are you prepared to commit to new behaviours in order to form new habits?

·         Are you prepared to give yourself 100% commitment to achieving the results and goals you want?

If you can answer these questions truthfully and you can accept that the journey is more important than the destination you will achieve HUGE results!

To your success!