#workhard #doitforyou #mentallytough #consistant

Applied Effort

I have been training people for 10 years now and since day one the type of person who I have enjoyed training the most has never changed.

The level of fitness, experience or competency has never really phased me much. I have never had a preference of training men over women or vice versa. I don’t mind training someone for a sport specific goal or a goal of improved general fitness.

What has excited me the most since day one is the person that turns up to every session prepared to work hard.

I come from a sporting background and what I realised early on was that I was not a naturally gifted athlete. There were guys much better than me from the outset however over time I realised I could outwork them.

I believe this is where my passion came from to work with people who are prepared to do the work.

Wherever you are right now, whether you are a beginner just getting the hang of a new exercise program or someone that has been training for years do, yourself a favour and turn up to train.

This means when the time comes, put your head down and apply yourself 100% to the task at hand.

In my experience this helps not only to achieve great results in fitness but there are a number of other benefits.

Mental – when you commit fully to a task like training there is no room for thoughts about the bills, work, kids and life in general. While that sounds a little harsh I believe it’s a crucial break.

Endorphin release – you will feel good after any form of exercise however if you give everything you’ve got the rush of endorphins that follows will have you walking tall all day.

Sleep – wearing yourself out at training is like a natural tranquilliser, train hard and sleep even harder!

Test it for yourself – at your next session apply your best effort and notice the difference. Aim to then apply that same best effort at every training session from then on!!