#longgame #lastingresults #lifestyle #sustainedresults

Start at the Start

It’s important when starting any endeavour for the first time to ‘start at the start’.

What does this mean?

I have witnessed on numerous occasions budding health enthusiasts start a brand new health and fitness program at a level they wish to attain one day as opposed to the level at which they currently are.

In my opinion this isn’t a sensible or realistic choice rather it is the result of one or two factors or a combination of the two;

  1. Lack of experience.

  2. Desire to make rapid change.

Consider your weekly routine in relation to nutritional choices and exercise commitments. Did you assume this new routine all of sudden or is this something that you have developed over time?

If this new found routine is something that has recently burst into existence please be warned – while what you are doing is often correct on paper and may very well be expediting your desired results there are some considerations to make.

1)      Is this sustainable? Will you be able to maintain this pace and consistency long term? If not what happens when this current program ends?

2)      Is it healthy? Are you training and eating for longevity and good health or are you crash dieting and exercising obsessively? The difference is one gives you the ability to achieve great results and health long term but may take a little longer while the second option delivers rapid results but long-term can cause health issues and bounce back.

3)      Is it informed and specific – is the new routine you have adopted something that was prescribed specifically for you to align with your goals? In many cases we do what our ‘friend/partner/sister/mother’ etc that lost weight told us to do. This can lack the specificity needed to deliver efficient results or the steady implementation needed to be manageable long-term.

Take away.

Be patient and be in it for the long haul. Our health is all we have so why be in a rush to gloss over the education process needed for long term understanding of what it takes to truly gain health and wellness.

Get help. Find a fitness professional that has a track record of helping people and invest in their time and expertise.

Finally trust the process and go to work!!