Go Up Goals

Throughout your fitness journey you will encounter a number of people, some of whom may show an interest in what you are doing and why you are doing it.

In every program I have ever been involved in someone inevitably brings up a concern about those around them being negative or trying to bring them down for the new choices and changes they are trying to implement. 

This is basic human nature and if this has already happened to you understand that you are not alone.

World famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, share your ‘Give Up Goals’ with everybody but be very careful with whom you share your ‘Go Up Goals’.

Give up goals are simple to understand and they offend very few people, for example giving up drinking or smoking, giving up swearing or going out. These are simple ideals that generally speaking don’t offend others and are obvious choices when it comes to self-improvement.

Go up goals on the other hand are more dramatic and make those around you question themselves and their beliefs at a fundamental level, be it consciously or subconsciously. For example, improving your health or losing weight, starting a business, improving your sales, making more money, buying an investment property etc

These ‘go up goals’ make those around you who may not be comfortable with their position in the world uneasy and as a result they take a shot at you and your dream in order to feel better about themselves. If there shot works and you fail they somewhat validate their position of being ‘stuck’ where they are.

If you are on a journey to better health or better financial stability or any other positive self-improvement destination choose wisely those with whom you share your ideas.

For those that find out along the way and try to bring you down, and they will try to bring you down, understand why and where they are coming from and understand that their position has no reflection on your choice to do what’s best for you!!

What others think of you is NONE of your business! It doesn’t affect you, it doesn’t change you and it CAN’T stop you!