VIRTUAL Classes | HIIT | 003 | Leaps and Bounds

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Virtual Class - Prerecoded - LEAPS AND BOUNDS.jpg

VIRTUAL Classes | HIIT | 003 | Leaps and Bounds


30min of HIIT goodness!

6 key exercises | 20 sec work, 10 sec rest

Leaps and Bounds will test your muscular endurance and cardio conditioning.

JOIN Jaydon as he uses simple exercises in combination to test all areas of your physical and mental resolve!

Easy to follow, no equipment needed and easily completed in your living room - LET’S DO IT!!

Disclaimer: This is a general purpose training program not designed specifically for any individual. As a result this program may not be suitable for all participants. If you have a preexisting condition or any reason to believe that this program may not be suitable for you seek the advice of a qualified Personal Trainer for appropriate exercise prescription.

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