Senior Series | DIGITAL COPY


Senior Series | DIGITAL COPY


Package Included - 3 x 25min Senior Series Training Sessions.

1) Rock You Chair

Join Jaydon as he guides you through a gentle resistance session completed in a seated position. Expect to work the major muscles of the lower and upper body while testing your mind and dexterity through specifically designed exercises and combinations.

Equipment Needed - Sturdy chair, pair of dumbbells (2x500g tomato soup cans work well too), cone shaped marker (shoe/cap/hanky work great as substitutes)

2) Mind Games

We are more than just physical beings! In this session Jaydon ties together some fundamental fullbody exercises with some key memory challenges to test the body both physically and mentally.

Jaydon also sets some basic ‘homework’ in this session to encourage participants to develop what he refers to as out ‘trip muscles’ , the muscle we use to lift our feet and prevent falls.

Equipment Needed - Sturdy chair, pair of dumbbells (2x500g tomato soup cans work well too)

3) Hand Eye Coordination

In this session Jaydon will test your hand eye coordination with a simple tennis ball. Squeezing, throwing, catching and using your not dominant hand are just some of the exercises included.

This session may not be as physically testing as others however it is certainly challenging.

Equipment Needed - Sturdy chair, pair of dumbbells (2x500g tomato soup cans work well too), tennis ball or something similar.

Disclaimer: This is a general purpose training program not designed specifically for any individual. As a result this program may not be suitable for all participants. If you have a preexisting condition or any reason to believe that this program may not be suitable for you seek the advice of a qualified Personal Trainer for appropriate exercise prescription.

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